Finding the Modsįind the mod you upload in the game and download them. Once you drop the files in, Civ 6 will know they are there and you can play with the mods or without from within the Civ 6 game. Apparently Civ 6 is smart enough to know that these are mod files unlike Civ 5.
You aren't changing any code or anything, just dropping some files in a directory. Generally speaking, you are adding mod files to a specific directory on your mac. ^^ If you want to go even more crazy, you can create an 'enable.bat' and 'disable.bat' file in your Civ5 folder, which you can then shortcut to your desktop: Create a new folder in your Civ5 folder (e. To play an NQ Mod game again just drag it back in easy peasy. First of all you'll need to download the Civilization V world builder itself. All Civs (and City-States) begin the game in their correct location. This map pack contains all of Civilization Vs Earth maps with true start locations. Civilization 5 - True Start Location Earth Mod.
Move the Mod to the Corresponding Directory This guide will tech you how to add mods on MAC in the game. Civilization series is a simulated game which offers new ways to engage with your world, the Civilization VI has released in 2016.