This is a timed mission with only 8 turns to reach the link before enemies shut it down. In addition, and here is the killer, a red dot enemy support team always arrives with 3 Stun Lancers with 7 or 8 HP each. Actually the 3rd group was just behind the objective and would aggro if any of my guys got close. In between start and the link are three groups of 1 advent soldier (4HP) and one standard psi guy (7HP). Second mission is a data link that apparently one of my guys has to actually run up to (maybe different if had a specialist).
The ranger was wounded but the other two, a grenideer and a sharpshooter were not and available for 2nd mission.
It was not my greatest first mission performance, but the remaining three were promoted. No bug or anything, just luck (never ran into it before).įirst mission, with 4 rookies: lost one and 1 wounded.
Running into this tickled me and seemed funny so I thought I would share it. Commander level, Vanilla game, second mission is, for me, impossible.